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Cardiac Risk in the Young has been working to reduce the frequency of young sudden cardiac deaths (YSCD). Not only do they conduct screenings, they support young people with life threatening heart conditions, and offer bereavment to families affected by YSCD. 


As part of their bereavment programme, families are not just offered emotional support, but are also screened to reduce any further loss in the familiy and make them aware of any heart conditions that are running in the family.




Who are CRY?

As you can see CRY make the most of their proceeds with 30% going towards those vital screenings that are life saving. So in just £250 pounds raised £60 of this goes towards screening, £40 to researching, £32 to fundrasing and £44 to awareness. The money donated will be valued and put towards such important aspects to the charity. 


For us, this cause falls close to our hearts. In February 2015, my daughter lost a close friend due to an undiagnosed heart condition. This pain and loss should not have to be experienced by anyone else; no parents should have to go through the pain of losing their child before their life has truly begun. CRY can help this happen, they can help us in reducing the families and friends that will go through this from their screening. But this can only happen if they get donations and help from people like you and me to reduce the number of young people dying a week. 



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